
Project Prep Day

 I spent the entirety of today organizing, cleaning, and adding final details to all my projects. I plan to bring a few pieces of art that I did not start during senior project. I have a coffee table that is completely covered in doodles, tags, and paintings done by dozens of different proctor students. I plan to bring this because it reflects my artistic journey at proctor. I also plan to bring a few other skateboards, including the first deck I ever painted. I also talked with my mentor and he is going to help me set up my boards in a way that allows them to be most visible to people touring presentations. I am happy with my work on this project and look forward to showing it off.

Skateboard painting final day 5-22-23

 Today was the last day of creation for my project. I met with my mentor, Corby Leith, and went over my art as well. I worked today on adding the fish and flowers to my last board. I first added the base colors using acrylic-based paint pens. I then added details in black and white, making the fish pop from the base background color. I did not clear coat this board as I didn't want to risk any mistakes with presentations so close. I plan tomorrow to make last-minute edits to any boards I think may need them and prep all my artwork for presentation.

Week Two Reflection

 This week was without issue. I had locked down my process the previous week, allowing for a much more seamless creation time and a lot less blunders. After a talk with Josh Norris and a trip to the hardware store, I fixed my clearcoat issue and picked up a new environmentally safe-epoxy. I also managed to fix old issues on my first project and removed many of the bubbles the old clearcoat had left.  I started off the week beginning my first skateboard project. I primed the board and finished painting in only two days. I then spent the following two days using my new clear coat and reattaching the wheels and trucks to the board. The only issue I had this week was having to remove copious amounts of rust and grime from the bearings of the wheels. Other than that the week was without issue. Looking back on this project as the senior term comes to a close, I am very happy with how it went. I feel as though I chose a healthy workload and did not over-pressure myself with lofty exp...

Supply Run Day

 Today I went to Bellitates hardware in Wilmot. I had run completely out of a few different spray paint colors as well as airbrush cleaner and needed both in order to complete my project. I had little to work on today and was nervous to start a new project at the end of the week. I did end up starting work on my final board but also found a traffic cone laying abandoned in a ditch which sparked an idea. I took the cone home, cleaned it, and began doodling on it while I waited for the paint on my project to dry. I ended up covering the cone in all sorts of designs and it became it's own mini-project. I plan to bring and present this cone as a novelty at senior presentations.

Second skateboard day one

 Today I woke up at 9:00 AM and got right to work. The first thing I did was pull out one of my older projects for reference. I plan to paint koi fish in a pond onto this skateboard and had a past airbrush project of koi fish I plan to use for reference. I then sanded and prepped the board for painting. I applied light blue primer to the board and let it dry for thirty minutes. I then added a second coat and broke for lunch. After lunch i planned where I wanted the fish on the board and penciled the lines in. I plan to begin painting the sketches tomorrow. Hours today: 5 Total Hours: 40

Project Planning day

 I spent the morning of today testing the functionality of the skateboard and making plans to test my surfboard on Saturday. I found decent waves in Rye New Hampshire forecasted for Saturday afternoon and am excited to see if the paint holds up functionally against salt water. I also started drawing up sketches for my final board and doing research for different art styles to use. I broke for lunch and then began the next steps on my last skateboard. I first sanded and cleaned the deck using acetone. I then added a coat of primer and let the board sit for an hour. I plan tomorrow to add a second primer coat and then begin painting in the afternoon. Hours Today: 4 Total Hours: 35

Skateboard painting final day

 Today was a remarkably light day. I started off my morning by spending a little over an hour and a half putting fresh grip tape on the finished deck and reattaching the trucks and wheels after cleaning the screws and bolts. After that I had an away game at KUA so I was unable to do any work in the afternoon. In the evening after the game I spent about an hour sketching ideas for my next board before calling it a night. I plan to paint one more skateboard in my senior project. That should take just enough time to finish the week or so I have left. I am very happy with how this second project went and hope my final painting goes just as well. Hours today: 3 Total hours: 31